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Addresses of your site and Aql?

Stanton McCandlish anton at
Tue Jul 20 22:14:28 PDT 1993

People keep asking me for site addresses for PGP, so I figured it would be
more sensible to post this so everyone gets it.  There are of course many
more; these are just my "site", sites I know that have a large archive of
crypto files, and sites that get new releases of PGP almost instantly.

NitV-BBS +1-505-246-8515 N-8-2 1200-14000bps v32[b] v42[b] 24hr  /pub/cypherpunks  mucho crypto  /pub/cypherpunks  many different platform Unix PGP execs     gets new stuff quick         ditto

Hope that helps.  :)

Stanton  McCandlish   * Space Migration * Networking * ChaOrder * NO GOV'T. *
anton at   * Intelligence Increase * Nano * Crypto * NO RELIGION *
FidoNet:    1:301/2   * Life Extension * Ethics * VR * Now! * NO MORE LIES! *
Noise in the Void BBS * +1-505-246-8515   (24hr, 1200-14400, v32bis, N-8-1) *

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